Errors, Misprints, and Typos

As we all are human and cannot catch every error or typo in time, we have decided to add this page as a means  of correcting and clarifying.  In short, when the text of a book gets ready for print, it must be sent in Word document form through 3-4 programs and then set.  When this happens, one, typically the author because s/he knows the contents best, must read the work and make note of any errors in formatting or missing/rearranged text.  When the corrections are made and run through the programs (again), the book must again be read...and so on and so forth. It is possible that not all imperfections were noticed and corrected before printing.  In keeping with our commitment to accuracy and excellence, please make note of the following:

Chapter 1 (First Plank) endnotes:

[1] The Colossus of Zoning, Thomas Conuel, Sanctuary magazine,

[3] The Colossus of Zoning, Thomas Conuel, Sanctuary magazine

[4] “States With the Most Land Owned by the Federal Government,” The New York Times, March 23, 2012

Chapter 2 (Second Plank) pages 26-27, 29: We are aware that the endnote indicators skip numerically; the endnotes at chapter's end are in order of appearance in the chapter.

Page 83 paragraph 3: Is part of the quote that began in paragraph 2 and should be in italics.

Page 93 paragraph 1 line 13: “In my opinion, Corder is a tyrannical, anti-Christian bureaucrat.”  Should read, “In my opinion, Brewer is a tyrannical, anti-Christian bureaucrat.”

Page 199 after paragraph 1: “Photos Santorum stands unwavering in his bedrock beliefs Lee Benedict March 3, 2012 7:40 PM EST Copyright 2012 The Augusta Chronicle. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed”  should be deleted.

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