About Freedom Heist

Freedom Heist; The Left’s Theft of Liberty  is an easy-to-read and well-researched and presented journey of how our freedoms were snatched from us by our own government (with an assist to the media and the government-run education system) with not much of a demur from the American people as a collective group.  It will tell you about Executive Orders, laws, decisions of courts, and a host of other facts coupled with reason and common sense, and when one reads this book with an open mind, one will realize what has happened.

Each one of the 10 Planks of Karl Marx’s Manifesto of the Communist Party are stated and then the case is made that each has been implemented in America.  Three chapters are then added to “wrap things up” and drive home the point, then, select speeches, columns, and writings are included to further make the case.  As one who read the book told me during a radio interview, “It hits you right between the eyes as to what’s happening”.  Marx begins and ends his Manifesto, "A spectre is haunting Europe", and, "Workers of the world unite."  Freedom Heist begins and ends in a similar fashion.

This is not a Democrat vs. Republican book.  This is an American and freedom for ALL Americans book.  The media and education system succeeded in pitting us versus them, Democrat versus Republican, black versus white, rich versus poor, and you get the point.  While we were busy bickering amongst each other, busy defending "our Party's" candidate/elected official after we condemned "the other guy's person" for doing the same thing, the government gave itself more power while taking away our rights, many of which are God-given.  In short, we as one American people should have been monitoring the government, NOT one given political party.  Speaking of, how's the two-party system working?  Have you noticed how third-party candidates are shunned and how many states have made it very difficult for someone other than a "Democrat" or a "Republican" to get his/her name on a ballot?  Think of this the next time the media tells us what candidate will seek what office and what candidates "can" and "can't" win.  But that's a whole other book altogether.

Read this book first and we'll take it from there.

Freedom Heist; The Left’s Theft of Liberty is published by Legacy Book Publishing.

A man's rights rest in three boxes: the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box.
-Frederick Douglass, November 15, 1867

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